Thursday, April 16, 2009

Waiting and anticipating...

The waiting is the hardest part, I think. It allows you time to eithor dream about the future or mentally sabatoge it. What surprises me the most about this, is other people's responses. I still get emails or comments from friends and family saying, "hurry up" or "when are you going to be pregnant already". In the beginning of this long road, I heard that all the time and even though the coments still hurt, they didn't surprise me. But at this point in the game, it shocks me that people still say that, knowing what we are going through. IVF has a 50% success rate per cycle. That is not a guarentee and there are plenty of people that have gone through it 6+ times with no luck. What goes through your mind, when you tell some one in my situation to "hurry up"? I am hesitant to tell these certain people when I should be finished b/c I am honestly worried that they will be on the phone to me the day I am done, asking if it worked or not. And that's insane.

Maybe I am just being overly sensitive. I do feel like my hormones are all over the place and I find myself crying to at least one show or comercial the last few nights. :-) And some of them are'nt even sad. LOL. I was reminded by my husband yesterday of his upcoming business trip, that I had forgot about. It will leave him away for most of his "month off". I hate that. Excpecially at a time like this. I will be done with the fertility treatments when he leaves, but only by a few days. Chances are he will be away when I get my pregnancy test. That sucks! I know I will be a wreck no matter which way it goes.

The countdown to monday (day 1 of Lupron) continues....

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