Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rough Week

So I have been neglecting my blog...Yes, I know... So here is an update on where I am now. Last friday I had me egg retrieval. 19 eggs retrieved, 16 mature enough for fertilization, 11 fertilized!! So happy with that number. Procedure was fine, sedation was fine, given Vicodin and sent home. I did tell my RE and the Nurse that I have difficulty with pain killers and that I have had reactions to both Tordol and Percocet. I go home feeling crampy but nothing too major. I live about 1 hour and 15min away from the fertility surgery center. About half way home the cramps get a little worse so I take my first Vicodin. Go home, eat Checkers(don't ask) and go to sleep. I woke up starting to feel cramped and now my whole body is starting to hurt. I was trying to figure out why. They did transfer me from one bed to another while I was asleep, and I have seen surgery on TV, they aren't exactly gentle with people...I decide its about the time I can take another Vicodin. About an hour into the second one, I realize that my body isn't sore, my chest is tight. I guess I was still doped up from the anesthesia or something, b/c this was w/o a doubt the same tight chest pain that I got when I took Tordol. It wasn't near as bad but it was still there. The problem with this symptom is that, its such a scarey feeling that your anxiety almost makes it worse. Because it wasn't as bad as previous reactions, I decided to wait it out and just stop taking it. At this point, it was evening so I just went to bed. I had to sleep sitting up b/c the chest pain was worse laying down. I woke up mid night, took ibuprofen, went back to sleep. Next morning took another ibuprofen and felt ok. I ate breakfast and sat down to read my discharge instructions since I was still foggy on what I had read. Of course, the 4th point was NO IBUPROFEN PRODUCTS. :-) So I call the Re and explained...They assured me it will be fine just don't take anymore and the only thing I can take is Tylenol Extra Strength. They should really put the word "worthless" accross the bottom of that bottle. Anyway...I did take it regularly the following day but I also got up and down alot, did light cleaning and ate whatever I wanted. I had no idea what was ahead of me.
That night I was in ALOT of pain. It was horrible. I cried and laid in bed in fetal postition. I paged the on call doctor who told me there wasn't anything she could do, if I needed pain management, I had to go to the emergency room b/c of my allergic reactions. The next day, it occured to me that there was no way I was going to be able to get my husband from the airport. I could barely make it back and forth from the bathroom. So I called my neighbor, whom I know, but I am not super close too. I was balling!! I had to ask if her husband could pick up mine at the airport(about 45min away). I felt so bad asking someone to drop everything and take 2 hours out of their day but I was dying! I don't know that I have ever been in that much pain for that much time. It was exhausting. My husband is not a huge sympethetic person but I think he could tell how bad I was when he got home. On monday morning, I called my nurse to let her know what was going on. She told me, no water, juice, or food. Gatorade, ensure and boost only. Glad I was getting this information now, after 3 days of pain! She thinks I have OHSS, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, and wants to see me tomorrow morning. If there is fluid in my abdomin, I will have to go back to the surgery center so they can drain the fluid. That night, I am awaken AGAIN in pain. I call the nurses voicemail crying, and ask if I can go straight to the surgery center in the morning. That morning I woke up and felt better and I hadn't heard back from the nurse, so we head to the office for my appt. There was fluid in my abdomin but they opted to not drain it. Two reasons. One, it appeared that it had shrunk some on its own and two, if they drained it, they would cancel the egg transfer till the next cycle.
So good news...I was starting to feel better and the transfer is still on.
Bad news....they say that if the embryo implants, once the pregnancy hormones kick in, the fluid will build back up and I will be in pain. i cried when they told me that. the idea of that feeling coming back scares the hell out of me.

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