Sunday, April 12, 2009

Trying to conceive on birth control

Its still kind of humorous to me that you have to take birth control during the IVF process. Who researched that? Where did they get that idea? Its all so interesting to me. Anyway.... Before I began this whole journey, I never really new my body. I had no clue that there were symptoms throughout my entire cycle that were indicators as to where my body was in that cycle. For example, I had no clue that when you ovulate you actually get cramps, discharge and other period like symptoms. Once I identified what my body was telling me, it made "trying" at the appropriate times of the month much easier. Every once in awhile I would check myself by taking a ovulation test and sure enough every time I took one, I was ovulating. I never new these things before when I was on birth control. Sooo, this brings me to now. This is the first time in 3 years that I have been on birth control again. I just started about a week and a half ago in preparation for my egg retrieval. Weird thing is, I am still getting my ovulation symptoms. Not sure if that is normal or not, or if it takes more than a month for the birth control to change that, or if I just never noticed before b/c I didn't know. In my mind, I would think that since your not ovulating, you shouldn't have those symptoms. Birth control makes your body "think" its pregnant, so why would you cramp and have discharge while on the pill? Note to self, ask the doctor that next week. For my own curiosity and maybe yours....

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